Partners will be asked by the Companies or the company's financial statements, compliance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards with the concept of the accuracy of the information, reflect or not the fact that, within the scope of auditing standards in auditing principles and rules, books, records and documents examined through the determination of the Audit Report attaching with Turkish or English.
Our office in both local and international auditing standards in accordance with financial statements control. For the production of reliable and informative financial information, our staff provide value-added services, international accounting and auditing standards combined with our clients to accounting practices in Turkey.
Consistent audit approach, supported by advanced technology products focused on delivering value to our customers
Auditing and accounting services, legal requirements must be met, as well as the needs of our customers' aims to increase the quality and efficiency.
Provide a consistent inspection services to our customers is also important for us. Our office is planning the audit process, providing all phases of implementation and reporting sector according to the needs of a customer-focused and any documentation and provides a common standard is applied as formed.
For the production of reliable and informative financial data, international accounting and auditing standards, as well as applications in Turkey should be known in detail. Our office is checking financial statements in accordance with local regulations in Turkey as well as international auditing standards.